Subject: HP1 MIDI Synthesizer Ver 1.41 Author: HARUYA Uploaded By: PDC Larry Date: 9/19/1997 File: LXMIDI.ZIP (52283 bytes) Estimated Download Time (46456 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 464 Equipment: HP100LX HP200LX IBM-PC Needs: UnZip Utility. Keywords: MIDI SYNTHESIZER HP100LX HP200LX POLYPHONIC BEEP MUSIC KEYWORDS: MIDI SYNTHESIZER HP100LX HP200LX POLYPHONIC BEEP MUSIC TYPE: Freely Distributed LXMIDI Ver 1.41 - MIDI Synthesizer for HP100/200LX LXMIDI is a polyphonic multi-timbral software MIDI synthesizer designed for HP100LX/200LX. MIDI data go through real-time conversion to PCM data and are played on an internal speaker of 100LX/200LX. A sample MIDI data file is included. Created by HARUYA . Document translated by Toshiki <>. Sample MIDI data arranged by Mr. Chiba . All files are checked for viruses before being made available online. This file can be found in the PDA Software Library. Keyword PDA. *